One Of The Top Elder Law Attorneys In Johnstown, PA

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Top PA elder law attorneys

Elder Law

When a family grows and ages there are many changes that occur; while some of these changes are a product of careful planning, others come from a sudden turn of events. Elder Law helps give families peace of mind during both the planned and unplanned events that come with aging. Your loved one’s circumstances may change to include assisted living, skilled nursing for long-term care, home care, guardianship, health care representative document, or use of Medicaid and/or Medicare. We work with families to provide options to help make these transitions smooth.

Life Is Full Of Change

What is the one thing you can always count on in life? The one thing that you know and accept is inevitable? Change. It is the only thing that remains consistent in life; jobs come and go, houses are bought and sold, funds are replenished and depleted, but the one thing all of these instances have in common is that they cause change. What happens when change brings the necessity of nursing home care? The first step is finding the right location. Finding the funds to pay for this new lifestyle is the next daunting task. Our office seeks to make this stressful transition as easy as possible by assisting our clients in qualifying for Medicaid Benefits.

Long-Term Care Cost

Long-Term Care Options
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Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

its’ not about business,
it’s about ‘YOU’!

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Mon – Fri:

9:00 am – 5:00 pm

119 Walnut Street

Johnstown, PA 15901




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For any inquiries or questions please fill out the form below.

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

the approach we follow

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generating creative ideas

Luisque cursus metus vitae sed pharetra auctor semy mas interdum venenatis tristique egets diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum faucibus luctus ultrice posuere libero eget ante cubilia.

project workflow & executation

Luisque cursus metus vitae sed pharetra auctor semy mas interdum venenatis tristique egets diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum faucibus luctus ultrice posuere libero eget ante cubilia.

project delivery & support

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Speak To Our Experts +1 (800) 555 555 or Request A Quote

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

Simple Pricing for Business

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magna augue get diam vestibulum anipsum faucibus

basic plan

$29 / month
  • 1 Free Project Quote
  • Upto 3 Years Support

  • Taxation & Audit Reports
  • Unlimited Product Sales

advance plan

$39 / month
  • 1 Free Project Quote
  • Upto 3 Years Support

  • Taxation & Audit Reports
  • Unlimited Product Sales

premium plan

$49 / month
  • 1 Free Project Quote
  • Upto 3 Years Support

  • Taxation & Audit Reports
  • Unlimited Product Sales

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